- DMA is the largest professional NGO of the city with over 10,000 membership.
- Opportunity to attend regular CME programmes.
- DMA supports all members during crisis through professional protection schemes.
- DMA is a professional and social platform for doctors helping new friendship & fellowship.
- Opportunity to serve with dignity and participation in community service programmes.
- Members of DMA have privilege to stay in guest houses of every state branches all over the country.
- Membership is transferable allover the country.
- Free fortnightly bulletin.
- Annual Delhi Medical journal.
- Opportunities to participate in various sports activities for members & their family.
- Special programmes for spouse and children such as cultural
- Gala get together on Foundation Day, 14th August.
- DMA annual conference in late Mayor early June every year having good scientific programme.
- DMA credit hours for CME programmes.
- DMA has nursing home wing for problems of medical establishments.
- DMA's College of General Practitioners wing organizes fellowship & CME programmes.
- Academy of Medical Specialities wing organizes specialist oriented CME programmes.
- Projects like Anti Quackery, assault on members, victimization of members etc are taken up from time to time
- Service doctors wing looks after the problems of service doctors of different strata
- Women doctors wing looks after the interests of women doctors.
- Car stickers, DMA Directory, JIMA - a monthly bulletin of IMA life membership certificates and identity cards etc are provided to members.
- Network with other state branches of IMA and over 1700 local branches of Indian Medical Association allover the country.
- Network with other associations of neighbouring countries
- DMA member is represented in DMC.
- DMA nominee is always in the Disciplinary Committee of DMC.
- DMA has participation in all national programmes.
- DMA comes out with regular guidelines.
- DMA participates in all natural calamities.
- DMA provides family planning devices, condoms and vaccines to its members.
- DMA regularly participates in Pulse Polio Programme by way of organizing 1100 booths.
- An especial discount on purchasing vehicles of Honda City, Hyundai, Maruti and Chevrolet Cars